Beginner’s Guide to Dab Rigs

Welcome, budding dab enthusiasts! For those just dipping their toes into the world of dabbing, the process might seem a little daunting. Fear not, because this beginner’s guide to dab rigs will help demystify the process, and have you dabbing like a pro in no time.

What is Dabbing?

Dabbing involves applying a minimal quantity of concentrates (the desired plant or herb for smoking) onto your rig, subsequently generating a vapor. Initially, it’s essential to warm up your nail using a torch of high quality. Once the torch reaches the desired temperature, it’s time to apply your concentrate. Shortly, the vapor will start to form, at which point, you should position your mouth over the mouthpiece. It’s advised to inhale the vapor at a level that is comfortable for you. For beginners, it’s suggested to start slow, as the effects of dabbing tend to be stronger.

What is a Dab Rig?

Your dab rig is the critical component of your dabbing ensemble. They are known by several monikers such as oil rigs or wax rigs; however, essentially, they are compact, straightforward water pipes that can accommodate a dab nail in place of a bowl slide. Dab rigs are available in a variety of materials, boasting an array of percolators, filtration mechanisms, and so forth. But fundamentally, dab rigs are a specialized type of water pipe engineered to optimize your usage of concentrates.

Dab rigs are characterized by their compact, streamlined design, typically incorporating one or two diminutive percolators and a single water chamber at most. They also frequently feature narrow, slanted mouthpieces, designed for more effortless usage from stationary locations like a table, rather than a couch.

Components of a Dab Rig

Understanding the different components of a custom dab rig is the first step towards becoming a seasoned dabber.

Rig Body: This is the main part of the dab rig and usually made of glass. It holds the water that cools the vapor before it’s inhaled.

Nail: This is the part of the rig where the concentrate is placed. It can be made of various materials like quartz, titanium, or ceramic.

Dome: This component covers the nail and captures the vapor. However, some modern rigs come with domeless designs.

Dabber: This tool is used to apply the concentrate to the nail.

Torch: A torch is used to heat the nail to the proper temperature.

How to Use a Dab Rig

Fill the Rig: Start by filling the rig with enough water to create bubbles, but not so much that it splashes into the mouthpiece.

Heat the Nail: Using your torch, heat the nail until it’s red hot. Be careful not to overheat it, as this can degrade the quality of your dab.

Let it Cool: Allow the nail to cool for about 10-45 seconds (depending on the material of your nail) before applying the concentrate.

Apply the Dab: Using your dabber, apply a small amount of concentrate to the nail and inhale slowly.

Cover with Dome: If your rig has a dome, cover the nail to capture the vapor.

Exhale and Enjoy: Exhale the vapor and enjoy the intense flavors and effects of your concentrate.

Safety Tips for Dabbing

Hydrate: Dabbing can be dehydrating. Ensure you’re well-hydrated before you start.

Use a Timer: To avoid overheating your nail, use a timer to let it cool down before applying your concentrate.

Start Small: It’s easy to overdo it with dabs, especially if you’re new. Start with small amounts and increase gradually as you become more comfortable.

Clean Your Rig: Regular cleaning can prevent residue build-up and ensure a better dabbing experience.

Use Heat-Resistant Tools: Always use heat-resistant tools to avoid burns and other accidents.

What to Look for When Buying a Dab Rig?

When selecting a dab setup kit, you’ll need to factor in several elements, including the rig’s material, its size, the type of joint it possesses, and whether it has an excessive number of chambers and perculators, which might hinder its functionality as a custom dab rig.

Mouthpiece: It’s preferable to have a custom dab rig with a slender, compact mouthpiece that resembles a flexible straw rather than a PVC pipe. The aim with dab rigs isn’t to empty the chamber, but to maintain a steady airflow, thus a mouthpiece that allows for gentle sipping rather than harsh pulling is ideal. Superior dab rigs often feature an angled mouthpiece for comfortable use while seated at a table.

Material: Silicone and glass are the most frequently used materials in dab rig manufacturing. Silicone can serve as a temporary solution, but it may change the taste of your dabs and prove challenging to clean. Opting for durable borosilicate glass is a smart choice as it’s heat-resistant, easy to clean, and doesn’t infuse your concentrates with unwanted flavors.

Joint Size: For a dab rig, a 10mm joint size is recommended due to its inability to permit oxygen penetration. However, dab rigs are available in a variety of sizes. It’s crucial to ensure that the joint size of your nail matches that of your dab rig, but is of the opposite gender. Hence, if you own a female nail, a male rig is required and vice versa.

Percolators: When it comes to custom dab rigs, simplicity is key. While floral bongs can benefit from additional chambers and filtration units, a single chamber and a maximum of two percolators for your dab rig are sufficient. The longer the vapor’s journey before reaching your lungs, the more flavor and potency are lost. Choose a smaller, less complicated design for optimal results.

Size: The size of your dab rig is of utmost importance. A smaller rig is beneficial as it shortens the distance the vapor travels to your lungs, improving the taste of your hits. Choose a compact design with a small joint and mouthpiece, and a simple structure with a maximum of two percolators for an enhanced dabbing experience.


Dabbing may seem complicated at first, but once you get the hang of it, it’s a great way to enjoy your favorite concentrates. Remember to start slow, stay safe, and enjoy the journey into the world of dabbing. Happy dabbing!

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